Anticipation and Complexity

Webinar on Anticipation and Complexity

Foreseeing a New Paradigm of Human Development

April 13, 2015

In preparation for the First International Conference on Anticipation, co-organized by the UNESCO Chair of Anticipatory Systems and WAAS, a webinar on “Anticipation and Complexity: Foreseeing a New Paradigm of Human Development” was conducted on April 13, 2015.
This forum intended to explore the Anticipation topics of the conference and build on the WAAS programing on Complexity and New Paradigm. We had a lineup of presenters from diverse disciplines and had a vibrant discussion about the concept, study field, and implementation of Anticipation.
Each presenter was given 10 minutes to address the topic from their perspective and present key points, and then had Q&As and open discussion.
Anticipation by Roberto Poli
Anticipation: Foreseeing a New Paradigm of Human Development by Ilkka Tuomi
Applying the Science of Networks to the Planetary Food Problématique by Raoul Weiler
Law Prediction and Problem Solving by Winston Nagan