Social Development
What Constitutes Societal Transformation?
Transversalism and transformative praxes: Globalization from below
From Below: Roots and Grassroots of Societal Transformation, The Social Construction of Change
An Integral Approach to Social Transformation
Process of Social Transformation
The need for a new paradigm in economics
Public versus Private Sector Money Creation: Society Enhancing Monetary Reform
TransFormNation: A Suggestion for Rapid Top-Down Transformation
Epicurus Death and the Need for Power
Can Lack of Leadership Become Transformative?
The Challenges of Social Evolution
Quest for Peace & Social Mechanisms for Safeguarding it
Transforming Our World: Necessary, Urgent, and Still Possible
Ten Essential Ideas for Sustainability Leaders in the 2020s
The Role of Scientists in a Human-centered Society
Peace, Security, Globalisation & Cultural Diplomacy
Individuality & Social Development Presentation