Fundamental science is essential for a coherent approach to the challenges of a sustainable and inclusive recovery, the resilience of global supply chains, and the competitiveness of our economies. WAAS has initiated a discussion to explore the connections between the sciences, the relationship between science and society, the social responsibility of science and its contribution to energy, medicine, health, climate action, education, and sustainable development.

Each country should create its integrated approach to the research and development chain. Basic research, i.e., exploration of the unknown, as an essential human desire and motivation, ought to drive the chain. Each country should define and dialectically unite its national and global approaches to science and technology.

“WAAS is examining different models for closing the gaps which hamper the effective application of new discoveries in a manner well designed to ensure sustainable future.”

The International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development started on January 1, 2024. Michel Spiro, President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Secretary General of the Club of Rome, Steven Hartman, Executive Director of BRIDGES Sustainability Science Coalition and Nebojsa Neskovic are part of the Working Group preparing the foundation of The Earth-Humanity Coalition which will manage the preparation and implementation of the program for the Decade in close co-operation with UNESCO.

WAAS Dialogues on Sustainable Futures

This WAAS Dialogues aims to introduce out-of-the-box thinking on significant contemporary opportunities and threats that could lead to action towards exciting alternative futures encompassing sustainability and high quality of life building on the human security for all agenda.

Planet Cooling Methods Using Natural Geoengineering

The UN’s International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development, running from 2024 to 2031 & led by UNESCO, aims to address global sustainability challenges. WAAS, part of the Earth-Humanity Coalition, launched the first event focusing on natural geoengineering methods for cooling the planet.

3rd Security, Science and Peace Conference

The conference focused on the importance of Europe’s leadership in global affairs and its role in resolving conflicts through dialogue and critical thinking. Speakers urged the need for fundamental changes in education and the promotion of universal human values to achieve common goals like the SDGs.

Science for Human Security: Science Diplomacy

The Science Diplomacy and Human Security nexus by revisiting the science diplomacy landscape within the scientific enterprise historically and in the current science-related socioeconomic development scene, taking-into-account all main dimensions of Human Security.

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