Global Perspectives on Causes and Consequences
Report to the World Academy of Art & Science
July 2022
Cadmus Journal has published a special report to WAAS titled THE WAR IN UKRAINE: Global Perspectives on Causes and Consequences on the War in Ukraine, including 25+ articles on the origins, root causes, impact on global society, future consequences and possible solutions.
Edited by
- Garry Jacobs, President & CEO of WAAS
- Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Vice-President of WAAS
- Ranjani Ravi, Associate Fellow of WAAS; Senior Research Fellow, The Mother’s Service Society, India
For the past five months, national and global media have been filled with news regarding the war in Ukraine, its immediate consequences and future implications viewed from the perspective of different nations, regions, communities, sectors, ideologies and stakeholder groups. This report on the War in Ukraine contains a series of papers by Fellows of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) and invited guests reflecting on the causes and significance of the Russian invasion and the anticipated consequences of the war from the perspective of global society as a whole. The authors draw lessons and present insights from recent and historical events to address issues of great concern for the future of the human community.
The report seeks to reach beyond the news flooding the media daily. It is dedicated to a broader and deeper examination of the root causes and circumstances which led to the invasion of Ukraine, its historical precedents, missed opportunities, the pressure of unresolved nationalistic and complex cultural identities, the residue of past events, and the search for security in a world undergoing ever-increasing rates of social change, restructuring and evolution in its movement toward a future which is as yet difficult even to envision no less to guide, govern and lead.
Too many unanticipated recent events have already surprised and shocked leaders, experts and the general public to attempt with any confidence the prognostication of eventual outcomes. The war in Ukraine is still on-going. Its eventual outcomes and impacts are difficult to foresee because they are yet to be determined. Critical choices are yet to be made. It is not too late for all those concerned to make them more wisely.
Conscious of these limitations to our knowledge, the report considers the most likely immediate and longer-term implications of the war for the countries of this region, refugees of the war, other vulnerable populations and the global community of nations. It explores a wide range of political, economic, social and ecological issues and their likely impact on global affairs. It also reflects on the deeper forces and factors which will need to be addressed in order to prevent the expansion and repetition of similar events in future. Peace, the common security of nations and the human security of people around the world will be determined by how we respond in thought and action.
As a transnational organization, the mission of WAAS is to address the global challenges confronting humanity from a non-partisan perspective. The specific issues and examples examined are selected because they are representative of global problems with implications for humanity-at-large. The views expressed in the chapters of this report are those of their authors, rather than the official position of the World Academy of Art & Science, which is described in the first chapter “A Time for Solidarity”.
- A Time For Solidarity
– WAAS BOT Statement - The Root Causes of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
– Alexander Likhotal - War in Ukraine and its “UN”intended Consequences
– Donato Kiniger-Passigli - Human Security: A Strong Foundation for Multilateral Cooperation
– Jonathan Granoff - Missed Opportunities: Ukraine is an UN-finished Story of Global Proportions
– Garry Jacobs - Russia in NATO. Thinking the Unthinkable?
– Philippe Destatte - Implications of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
– Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - Lessons from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: Moving the World Beyond War
– Ketan Patel & Christian Hansmeyer - Pressing International Responsibility: A New Concept of Human Security
– Federico Mayor - The Cold War
– Harlan Cleveland - War or Dance? Blind Spots and the Locus of our Fears
– Carlos Alvarez Pereira - The World Will Never be the Same: The Russia-Ukraine Conflict as a Trigger Point for Deglobalisation
– Patrick M. Liedtke - An Assessment of the Efficacy of Economic Sanctions in Response to Russian Military Aggression in Ukraine
– Walton Stinson - Energy – Adjusting to a New Global Order
– Maria da Graça Carvalho - Can the Future be predicted? Deliberations on a war we cannot afford
– Petra Kuenkel - The Significance of the Ukraine Crisis
– Robert Van Harten - The War in Ukraine Must Stop Now
– John Scales Avery - Globalization Weaponized, Dominance Fragmented, World Stability Ruptured
– Fadwa El Guindi - A Renewed Non-Aligned Movement
– Janani Ramanathan - Ukraine: Sleepwalking into the Unknown
– Renzo Cianfanelli - War, Complexity, and One-dimensional Thinking: Thinking is Acting
– Piero Dominici - A Brief Review of Major Divergences Underlying Current Human Security and The Modern World Order
– Rodolfo A. Fiorini - Ukraine: A Post-War Phoenix Perspective
– Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit & Gabriela Pascariu - Putin’s Folly and Rethinking the SDGs
– Michael Marien - Evolving Meanings of the War for Ukraine: Winning, Losing, Fearing, Needing
– David Harries - The UN as a Guardian of World Peace and its Role in the Ukraine Crisis
– Elena Andreevska - Current Threats to Global Academic Collaboration
– Marcel Van de Voorde