I. Scope
1. Objective
- To prepare a major report providing theoretical perspectives and quantitative evidence establishing the urgent necessity, potential and strategies for achieving full employment nationally and globally.
- To identify the factors and processes impacting on the growth of employment opportunities in today’s increasingly globalized labor market which can serve as the basis for formulation of a quantitative model of global employment.
- To identify key policies and strategies that can have a determinative impact on global employment generation.
2. Questions
- Is there a theoretical framework that can adequately explain the phenomenal growth in employment opportunities that occurred globally during the latter half of the 20th century?
- How far will such a model be adequate to explain the likely evolution of global labor markets over the next 25 years?
- Is global full employment an achievable goal?
- What set of strategies and policies will optimize the welfare of all human beings globally?
II. Factors Impact Global Employment
1. Employment
- Trends
- Transformation of work: from agriculture to manufacturing to services
- Increase in quality of jobs
- Higher educational requirements
- Impact of economic growth on employment
- Impact on globalization of trade and outsourcing
- International labor mobility
- Labor policies
- Public policies most likely to affect levels of employment
- Entrepreneurship
- Self-employment
- Job exchanges
- Virtual work
- Job programs
- Issues
- What factors have driven the growth of employment over the past century?
- How did employment keep pace with population during a period of peak population growth from 1950 to 2000?
- What factors account for the four-fold increase in employment in USA during the 20th Century under conditions of rapid technological development and globalization?
- How are these factors likely to impact employment over the next few decades?
- How valid are the assumptions underlying current economic and technological models of employment?
- What is the role of non-economic factors such as law, democratization, education, social organization, innovation in a comprehensive model of employment?
- Which public policies can have maximum impact on total employment generation nationally and globally?
- Social value added of labor
- What factors have driven the growth of employment over the past century?
2. Demography
- Trends
- Employment growth relative to population and labor market growth since 1950
- Impact of rising population in developing countries on global economic demand
- Labor market growth in developing countries increases labor supply
- Aging of the population in OECD increases the elderly pop will reduce the relative size of the total labor force
- Greater longevity will push retirement ages higher
- Labor shortages are projected in some economically advanced countries
- Urbanization
- Migration of workers from developing to developed nations
- Potential impact of international labor policies such as minimum wage
- Projected change in working age population by region 2010-2050
- Aging Population and Shortage of Workers
- UN Population Division estimates that the 47 nations of Europe would have to admit 161 million migrants during the period 2005-2050 in order to prevent the decline of the working age from 2005 levels, a net average of 3.6 million migrants per year during those 45 years.37
- A World Bank Study in 2003 estimated that 68 million immigrants will be needed to meet Europe’s labor requirements during the period from 2003-2050.38
- Prior to the financial crisis, studies forecast that the US would have a shortage of 17 million working age people by 2020 and that China will be short of 10 million.40
- Issues
- What will be the impact of aging on labor markets? Where will it create shortages and to what extent? How are shortages likely to be filled?
- What will be the impact of aging on retirement age? How will society harness the capabilities of more experienced older workers who wish to continue working?
- What will be the economic impact on a declining percentage of working age population on pension and welfare systems?
- How will worker sex ratios change? What factors will most affect them?
3. Economic growth & Employment
- Trends
- Projected global economic growth rates and their impact on total employment
- Rising living standards in emerging markets will create enormous demand in future
- “Growth related Job Exports” – assessing the jobs created overseas from growth of domestic GDP
- Impact of growth of tourism, medical tourism generate jobs in all regions
- Issues
- What will be the relative contribution of financial capital, technology and human capital to future economic growth?
- Income and Employment Multiplier Effects
- Impact of tradeoffs between technology and labor, e.g. farm employment
- Relationship between economic growth and domestic and international job creation
- Shift of production overseas depresses economic growth for the lower classes in the West
4. Globalization of Markets
- Trends
- Growth of manufacturing trade since 1990 shifts jobs internationally
- Outsourcing of services shifts jobs to developing countries
- Globalization of Labor Markets/Flows/Labor mobility
- Effects of the unification of the EU market on employment may be obscured by other factors
- Issues
- To what extent can global markets be regulated nationally or internationally?
- What are the crucial regulatory decisions that would have maximum impact on employment?
- Trends
- Globalization of financial markets
- Growing divorce between finance and economy
- Rising unutilized international financial reserves
- International capital investment flows
- Interest rates
- Currency stability and valuation
- Issues
- The role of money and capital and its impact on employment
- What is the public good impact of financial markets
- The huge cost of global financial instability is not being priced – the public is paying for instability and the right to speculate
- Bailouts
- Instability reduces long term productive investments
- Need for huge unproductive foreign exchange reserves
- Potential impact of policies to reduce non-productive investment and incentivize productive investments, e.g. Tobin Tax
- Impact of incestuous relationship between major corporations and investment funds on corporate decisions, including employment
6. Human Capital Formation
- Definitions
- Trends in its development
- Multiplier effect of human capital formation on economic growth and employment
- Impact of underemployment and unemployment on Human Capital
- Financial capital vs. human capital
- Investment trends in HCF
7. Education
- International educational trends
- Levels of education are rising dramatically worldwide, e.g. Korea, China
- Impact if education on employability
- Relationship between education, employment and unemployment.
- Relationship between education and income
- Trends in labor market educational requirements
- Impact of rising levels of education on aspirations, consumption patterns and effective demand
- Current and projected trends in educated unemployment in developing and industrialized countries – long and short term
- Life-long learning
- Issues
- Educational curriculum and employability
- Firewall between universities and labor market in Europe
- Why MBAs are more employable?
- Accountability of universities
- Educational curriculum and employability
- Education and immigration
- Asians in US universities and hospitals
8. Skills shortage
- Trends
- Emerging skill shortages and skill mismatches in industrialized and developing countries
- Projecting future skill needs
- Trends in vocational education and training
- Issues
- Alternative training delivery systems
- Education, apprenticeship, employment programs
9. Business Strategy
- Trends
- Globalization of sourcing and distribution systems
- Globalization of business ownership
- Globalization of MNC employment strategies
- Shift of capital investment to growth markets and low wage producers
- Shift of production to low wage countries
- Shift of production to fast developing markets
- Outsourcing of services
- Issues
- Reduced effectiveness of national level policies on business
10. Technology
- Trends
- Dissemination of new products and technologies at all time high
- cell phone, smart phone, notebook computers
- Rate of process and product innovation more rapid than before
- Impact of process and new product development on employment in manufacturing and services
- Factors influencing the substitution of capital and technology for labor
- Dissemination of new products and technologies at all time high
- Issues
- Attitudes, policies and business strategies impacting investment in technology
11. Ecology
- Trends
- Energy prices and their impact on employment vs. capital investment
- Pressure to change technological base from fossil fuels creates problems and opportunities
- Pressure to improve energy consumption at a time of rapid economic growth
12. Getting prices right
- Pricing labor and capital
- Are we pricing capital correctly?
- Pricing to reflect the actual cost of unemployment
- Policies to get prices aligned
- Pricing of resources
- Distinguish between extracting cost and ecological value of different resources
- Timber
- Assigning ecological cost of water will dramatically change agricultural and other prices
- Distinguish between extracting cost and ecological value of different resources
13. Social Costs of Unemployment and Underemployment
- Impact on human capital
- Impact on social capital – neighborhoods, community
- Impact on social unrest, crime, violence, peace and stability
14. Emerging economic opportunities
- Trends
- Historical analysis of the impact of new needs, products and services on employment
- Project future profile of new services and job requirements in developing and developed countries
- Factors influencing new business development
- Scope for less developed nations to adopt services prevalent in economically advanced nations
- High Potential Industries
- Insurance as a driver – positive causal impact on economic growth
15. Evolution of Social Organization
- Impact of social organization on new business opportunities
- Future impact of the Internet on the way work is carried out
16. Social Development and Macro psychology
- Impact of changing social attitudes on growth and employment
- E.g. rising confidence in Ireland due to entry into EU, pop music
- Trust deficits – their causes and remedies
- Impact of trust on social development, economic growth and employment
- Mechanisms to enhance trust
- Potential role of new types of insurance to promote trust, security and development
17. Public Policy
- Trends
- Public Sector as a major part of the economy
- Policies regulating new job creation
- Policies restricting entrepreneurial activity and employment
- Public investment in stimulus
- Welfare and social security
- Employer of last resort programs
- Civilian Conservation Corp – the new New Deal
- India’s National Rural Employment Scheme
- Randall Wray on programs in USA, Argentina and other countries
- Guaranteed basic income – 4 Pillars
- Issues
- Need for political economic theory that reflects the large role of government in economy
- Reconciling free markets with public good
- Vested interests of financial markets and investors impacting employment policies
- Public investment to crowd in private insurance, e.g. New Orleans
- Reliance on classical macroeconomic strategies to address employment
18. Law, Human Rights & employment
- Law and Human rights
- Property rights vs. the right to work
- The value of human security
- The challenge of food security is really about ensuring access to employment opportunities.
- Social attitudes toward unemployment