The International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development started on January 1, 2024. Michel Spiro, President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Secretary General of the Club of Rome, Steven Hartman, Executive Director of BRIDGES Sustainability Science Coalition and Nebojsa Neskovic are part of the Working Group preparing the foundation of The Earth-Humanity Coalition which will manage the preparation and implementation of the program for the Decade in close co-operation with UNESCO.
The Coalition will comprise a few hundred international, regional, and national organizations acting in basic, applied, social, and humanistic sciences. The Coalition program for the decade will include the WAAS Program of Sciences for Sustainable Development.
The Coalition will be founded in the first half of March 2024. To become its member, an organization should accept two documents:
- Charter of The Coalition, containing the strategic framework of the activities during the Decade and the plan of activities in 2024,
- Memorandum of Understanding between the members of The Coalition.
The signing of the documents will imply the obligation to provide the amount of €1000 or more. The Coalition will be managed by its Steering Committee, reporting to its Assembly, which will include up to about 10 people.
WAAS is a member of The Earth-Humanity Coalition. On February 28, 2024, the third in the series of WAAS Talks on Science for Human Security, focused on natural geoengineering methods for cooling the planet was held. It was the first event within the Program of Sciences for Sustainable Development.
The first conference within the Program of Science for Sustainable Development will be the World Conference on Science and Art for Sustainability, to be held in September 2025 in Belgrade in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the surrounding cultural institutions. UNESCO will be among its organizers. 11 WAAS Fellows will participate in it.