February 2024

Highlights of CES 2024
This video prepared by Grant Schreiber, Campaign Manager of HS4A was presented by the President of Consumer Technology Association at the Technology Leadership Dinner of about a 1000 invitees and aired many times at the beginning of many of the hundreds of seminar sessions conducted at CES 2024.
Gary Shapiro, the President of the Consumer Technology Association and the promoter of Consumer Electronics Show (CES), underscored the importance of the human security campaign at the CES 2024 in Las Vegas, January 2024.
The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill, who was at CES representing the Human Security For All (HS4A) campaign, addressed the tech leaders in the room on the importance of tech and human security.
CES2024 Panel Discussions
A panel discussion at CES 2024 hosted by the HS4A campaign unraveled the complex tapestry of obstacles, innovations, and strategies required to reshape our world for the better. Panelists included Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology; Megan Lee, CEO, Panasonic North America; and Garry Jacobs, President of WAAS.
Global strategists discuss the unique impact technology and AI have in addressing our biggest challenges and enabling a superior future. Panelists included Glenn Gaffney, Former Under Secretary General and Director of Science and Technology for the Central Intelligence Agency; Walt Stinson, Director of the HS4A campaign; and moderated by Ketan Patel, Chair of Force for Good and CEO of Investment firm Greater Pacific Capital.
The Great Minds session at CES 2024 explored technology’s role in addressing global crises and its ability to bridge gaps and ensure equitable progress. Panelists included Stedman Graham, Business Advisor, Chairman and CEO of S. Graham and Associates; Ketan Patel, Chairman, Force for Good Platform, CEO and Founder, Greater Pacific Capital; Trammel Crow, Founder of EarthX; and Walt Stinson, Director of the HS4A campaign, WAAS Fellow, and CEO of ListenUp.
Interview of UN Tech Envoy @ CES24
Ketan Patel interviewed Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology for ESG News. Amandeep Singh Gill emphasized the importance of technology governance. He called for initiatives like the Global Digital Compact and AI governance to address the digital divide and harness technology’s opportunities. Institutions must be transformed to adapt to new technologies, and investments are vital in education, health, economic systems and innovation to ensure everyone benefits.
CES 2024 By The Numbers
Top 5 Media Mentions of HS4A

Forbes Japan (7.2 mil. visits/month)
“The Presence of Generative AI: CES 2024 Voices of Participants”
ESG News (81k visits/month)
“CES 2024 Las Vegas Shows Climate-Friendly Tech is Going Mainstream“
Yahoo Finance (243 mil. visits/month)
“Infinitum Receives Two CES 2024 Innovation Awards“
Twice (73k visits/month)
“CTA Celebrates 100 Years Of Igniting Innovation“
AP News (87 mil. visitors/month)
“CES 2024 is Upon Us. Here’s What to Expect From This Year’s Annual Show of All-Things Tech”
HS4A Cover Story on CES2024 by Grant Schreiber is available here
HS4A’s presence at COP28
Accelerating Green Innovation
Phoebe Koundouri advocated for the implementation of the European Green Deal, emphasizing the need for social cohesion and job creation in the green and digital transition. In our progress toward Agenda 2030, education and skills training in alignment with emerging demands of the job market are essential. Garry Jacobs highlighted the various challenges in implementing the 17 SDGs, particularly the challenge in communicating effectively, and the need for educating and equipping our youth to navigate misinformation and fake news. Ketan Patel stressed the crucial role of achieving peace in order to complete the transition to a more secure future for all. The capital and innovation necessary for the transition is available, they need to be unlocked so we transition from fossil fuel to a future that is cleaner, safer and more secure.
Garry Jacobs stressed the importance of integrating Arts and Science to address the needs of the future. Our education system must overcome disciplinary silos and compartmentalization, and take a trans-disciplinary and person-centered approach in order to effectively address climate change, govern AI and handle other challenges. He emphasized the crucial role of the arts in shaping a sustainable future by effectively communicating essential messages and inspiring collective action.
This panel discussion organized by Arizona State University underlined the need for addressing the challenges of women’s empowerment, interconnected crises and climate displacement. The speakers advocated for a holistic approach aligned with the UN Agenda 2030, and urged global collaboration and innovative financing solutions for effective climate action.
International Kids Film Festival

Human Security For All (HS4A) and the International Kids Film Festival (IKFF) hosted an online filmmaking masterclass for over 8,000 children from over 150 schools. The workshop focused on eight dimensions of human security: political freedom, healthcare access, economic security, community security, personal safety, technology access, environmental protection, and food security. WAAS Junior Fellow Dora Damjanovic presented each pillar in a unique way, using movie clips to stimulate debate and encourage critical thinking. Following the workshop, attendees participated in a short film competition on the theme of human security. The winning film will be featured on the HS4A website, fostering a future generation of informed and compassionate global citizens.
A Pilot HS4A School Student Program Launched in India
SpellBee International, an Indian educational organization, has just launched a pilot program to disseminate information to school children in India regarding all dimensions of human security and their relevance to individuals, families, communities and the nation on issues such as food and nutrition, health, environmental, personal, community and technological security. The program is being conducted as part of HS4A in collaboration with WAAS and the UNTFHS. It involves advancing its language development program through a technology-driven, generative AI-influenced fluency module. This initiative seeks to impact about 2000 Indian schools.
The program focuses on issues related to 58 internationally recognized days related to human security and sustainable development. On designated days, schools will conduct a variety of activities and encourage students to submit digital work, including original art, video pledges, or blog entries documenting their involvement. In parallel, the project will develop a dedicated self-learning, interactive app leveraging generative AI technology to enhance access to information, assessment and feedback to students. The project aims to harness the transformative power of technology and generative AI to cultivate creativity, engagement and meaningful dialogue within the educational community.

Upcoming Events
Science Academies Embrace HS4A
WAAS is collaborating with the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) of 150 regional, national and global academies in the preparation of a Statement on the “Integrated Concept and Approach to Human Security.” WAAS Trustee Phoebe Koundouri has been heading a Working Group preparing the draft which includes 12 representatives from IAP member academies. The initial draft was prepared with contributions from WAAS Secretary General Janani Ramanathan. The Working Group’s collaborative effort was facilitated by Konstantinos Dellis, Post-Doctoral Researcher at ATHENA RC. The completed draft will be circulated to IAP member academies for endorsement and then released by IAP this spring to scientific, educational and governmental organizations to emphasize the central importance of human security in guiding the objectives and direction for scientific research in all fields.
HS4A training for parliamentarians
One of the greatest challenges confronting policymakers seeking to address issues related to human security and sustainable development is the complexity of the issues involved. Specialized knowledge and effective policy formation are essential for effective decision-making, especially in areas such as AI and climate change. The Academy is presently collaborating with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) of 180 national parliaments to develop an app-based training program for parliamentarians around the world on the basic principles of human security. The HS4A training program will take place in Geneva in March at the time of the IPU General Assembly. WAAS is also working on a proposal for a more in-depth and extensive training program utilizing an interactive, generative AI engine to provide MPs with the latest knowledge on governance issues related to AI and climate.