Thank you for registering for the 7th International Conference on Future Education. This conference will be hosted by Istinye University in Istanbul on December 10-12, 2024 and will be conducted in hybrid format so that both speakers and audience can participate from around the world. The latest agenda for the conference is available here

December 10, 2024: 14:00–19:00 TRT; 12 noon–17:00 CET; 06:00–11:00 EST
December 11, 2024: 14:00–18:50 TRT; 12 noon–16:50 CET; 06:00–10:50 EST
December 12, 2024: 14:00–18:30 TRT; 12 noon–16:30 CET; 06:00–10:30 EST

The conference will consist of parallel streams of sessions.

Please contact [email protected] for any questions.