The COVID-19 pandemic is the most acute global challenge in 75 years, touching all aspects of human existence all over the world. According to the UN HDI, it has set the world back by ten years in all parameters. It forcefully reminds us that human security needs to be embedded in a planetary security concept that considers humanity as a part of life as a whole.
The Academy’s project on COVID-19 is striving to promote a comprehensive multidisciplinary perspective and integrated multisectoral approach to addressing the crisis.
WAAS is supporting efforts to promote free distribution of COVID-19 vaccine to low income groups and to enhance coordination among the many research efforts around the world monitoring and reporting on the pandemic.
“The pandemic highlights the need to raise transnational and global cooperation to a whole new level that thinks, plans and acts from a holistic perspective.”
Featured Events
Pandemic as a Systemic Crisis
This session at the WAAS@60 conference concluded that addressing the pandemic requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary perspective and integrated multisectoral approach. Also, the world critically needs a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to policy-making, which will enhance our ability to cope with future crises.
COVID and Human Security
The purpose of this high level forum organised by WAAS, UNESCO, CoR and Lomonosov Moscow State University was to discuss human security related issues in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The world post-COVID-19 Pandemic
In May 2020, ISACCL, a WAAS Center of Excellence, launched the “The world post COVID-19 pandemic” project. The goal of this conference organised by ISACCL was to invite contributions from a wide range of experts from different fields to explore lessons and implications of the pandemic for the post-COVID-19 world

SSG Report on COVID Reports
The Security & Sustainability Guide, a project of WAAS, is compiling a listing of online COVID-relevant reports, as well as other new evidence-based reports by scientists and other experts on all aspects of security and sustainability.