23-24 November 2022
Zagreb, hybrid event
The Security, Science and Peace Conference 2022, organized by WAAS and Pugwash Croatia, and held on 23-24 Nov 2022, brought together scientists, researchers, politicians and experts from around the world to discuss and tackle the issues of global security, science, technology, peace policies, inter-sectoral collaborations, hybrid threats and contemporary leadership. Participants included WAAS Honorary President Ivo Šlaus, President Garry Jacobs, Ana Jerković, José Luis Cordeiro, Paolo Cotta-Ramusino, Jonathan Granoff, Asim Kurjak, Mamphela Ramphele, Alyn Ware and Aleksander Zidanšek among others. The discussions focussed on the idea that peace, security, and the very future of humanity depend on the exercise of science and the values on which science is founded – the social responsibility of science.
Organizing Committee
- Ana Jerković, Pugwash Croatia Vice-President, World Academy of Art and Science Associate Fellow
- Zvonimir Šikić, Pugwash Croatia President
- Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President of the World Academy of Art and Science, Member of Pugwash International Committee