International Conference on GLOBALISM vs NATIONALISM

International Conference


Podgorica, Montenegro – November 2-3, 2017

  • Mass immigration
  • Free Trade
  • Global Super-State
  • Believes all races & cultures should blend into a mono-race and mono-culture
  • Opposes mass immigration and free trade
  • Sovereign Ethno-States for all people
  • Believes in maintaining uniqueness of individual races & cultures

* The original meaning of nation from the Latin “nasci” implies racial homogeneity.

Globalization, nationalism, and the relations between them have been the subjects of debate among scholars for many years. The world today has become very different from what it was previously, because of globalization. It is the struggle of nationalism against globalism, and it will be fought out, not only among nations, but within nations.

As the world becomes interdependent, the fate of one state is linked and attached to the fate of another state. Globalization is often associated with neo-liberalism, free flows of capitals, goods, services and workers. It has resulted in tremendous changes at the political and the cultural levels. It has lead to major wars attempting to integrate any country resisting integration into the New World Order defined by neoliberal globalization being a double-edged sword. However, not all views on globalization are positive and many consider it as a threat. It has been criticized for benefiting only some elites and undermining the lives of many others, for already devastating economic and social consequences on the majority of the world population, as well as producing mass immigration trying to redistribute poor people to rich countries and give them welfare.

The nationalism has a long history and it has always been something that people fight for. It is in itself an international ideology, which can be used to promote and defend a particular culture and way of life, and it is also used by politicians to promote national unity and patriotism. One variant of nationalism, economic nationalism (protectionism), in many ways harms the states that practice it. As a matter of fact, nationalism has had a great deal of difficulty surviving in this world, and some would argue that it has become less important. However, others argue that nationalism is benefiting from globalization and is becoming more important than ever. It seems that as peoples respond to corporate globaliza- tion, nationalism is being adapted. The driving forces of this are religion, language, ethnicity, philosophy, patriotism, xenophobia… Simply put, nationalism is identification with a country and a belief in the commonality of the values and people of that country. Its importance lies in the creation of modern societies and nation-states, and their role in a world in which interdependence has increased. Globalism, on the other hand, is identification with international integration and shared worldviews. Both concepts have an important position in the con- temporary world.

On a cultural level, the world has shifted from national cultures to mixed cultures across the globe, resulting in a homogenized global culture rather than national. The new forms of identification, across nationalism and globalism, suggest they may be generating paradoxically cosmopolitan modes of nationalism. This form of contemporary nationalism differs from ethno-nationalism, it also contrasts with civic nationalism, it is a form of nationalism that enlists universal values — such as democratic and human rights — in the service of nationally-defined political ends. What is defined as particular and universal depends very much on power relations, with cosmopolitans, especially in core states, blind to their own particularism.

The question you have to ask yourself is, do you want Globalization? One dictating power of the world. The goal of one religion and the loss of own individual rights. is is not some theory any more, it has become our reality. Is Nationalism just the rst step for ghting back against capitalism and globalization? Are we all going to live in a globalised, borderless world in which nation states have been abolished, or continue with a world that remains partitioned into separate states? Will it be Globalism or will it be Nationalism? We’ve reached the crossroads. Time has come to choose a side.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Open-borders/ Closed border
  • Unfettered consumerism/ Protectionism
  • Feminism and matriarchy
  • Multiculturalism,diversity,and egalitarianism
  • Cultural, artistic, intellectual, religious heritage
  • Paganism or atheism
  • Global/ Local solutions for local problems
  • Empire building
  • Centralization/Decentralization
  • Secularism/Monotheism
  • Collectivization/ Patriarchy/ Homogeneous population
  • Unarmed populace/ Armed populace
  • War as self-defense
  • Individual rights / Human rights

Technical details:
Venue: Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
Date: 2/3 November 2017
Organizer will cover costs of stay (local transport, lodging, meals and social events) to speakers
Abstract submission (not more than 300 words): 30 June, 2017
Confirmation of acceptance: 15 July, 2017
Full paper: 20 November, 2017
Ms Katarina Terzic
Address: Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts R. Stijovica 5, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Tel: +382 20 655 450; fax: +382 20 655 451 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]