Florence, Italy
December 14, 2022
Under the auspices of the World Academy of Art & Science and the Human Security for All (HS4A) Global Campaign, the NGO ART for The World has produced INTERACTIONS, a new series of short docu-fiction films with internationally committed artists and filmmakers from around the world.
INTERACTIONS (1’45’’) is, an anthology of 12 films with short stories of 8’ (docu-fiction, animation, comedy, drama, SF) questioning the relationship between man and animals, conservation of nature, deforestation, health, marine and wildlife, water, and more.
The World Première took place on October 17, 2022 at the International Rome Film Fest/Festa del Cinema di Roma, followed by a special event at Cinema Anteo in Milan at the beginning of November.
In November 2022, INTERACTIONS participated in Asia Première at the 53rd edition of the International Film Festival of Goa, India and in December 2022, the long feature will be screened in the context of the UN Conference on Biodiversity (COP15) in Montreal, Canada. Recently it was screeened at Florence and would continue on a world tour.
WAAS Fellow Adelina von Fürstenberg is the concept developer and producer of the film.
For more information and videos, visit https://www.interactionsfilm.com/
A special screening of the documentary will take place today in Florence in presence of the producer.