Dec 7, 2021
Back to conference pageArt and Science are not two separate and incommunicable worlds, but two complementary branches of the same tree that can converse and converge with one another to generate continually evolving knowledge that is greater than the sum of its parts. Science without Art is unimaginative and mechanistic. Art, through a scientific approach, transforms abstract knowledge into concrete applications. Education needs to take serious efforts to accelerate the integration of these complementary perspectives in various forms of knowledge discovery, transmission and application. This session explores the need to integrate the two streams of knowledge to equip students with the skills and capacities to generate holistic and sustainable solutions for the challenges we face.
- Donato KINIGER-PASSIGLI, Vice President, WAAS
- Nebojsa NEŠKOVIĆ, Secretary General, WAAS
- Adelina VON FÜRSTENBERG, President & Founder, ART for The World; FWAAS
- Denys ZACHAROPOULOS, Art Historian & theorist; Professor of Art History
- Aleksander ZIDANŠEK, Professor, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School; Trustee, WAAS
- Neantro SAAVEDRA-RIVANO, Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba, Japan; FWAAS
- Isabelle WACHSMUTH, Project Manager, Art Impact For Health and SDGs initiative, WHO; AFWAAS
- Marcel VAN DE VOORDE, Professor, University of Technology Delft; Trustee, WAAS
- Andrea CARLINO, Artist, Author, Faculty Member, University of Geneva