Faris Gavrankapetanovic


Bosnia and Herzegovina

WAAS Designation:


Primary Position & Institution:

CEO of the Institute for Health Insurance Canton Sarajevo

Short Bio:

Born in Sarajevo 1959. Graduated (MD degree) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo 1984. Specialized in General Surgery at Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic in Sarajevo 1991. Defended MA thesis Application of internal fixation in war conditions at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo 1995 and Ph.D. thesis Evaluation of treatment for back foot injuries caused by foot mines NES/APM in war and peace at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo 1999. Graduated MBA in Slovenia, 2006. He is director of the Bosniac Institute – Adil Zulfikarpasic Fondation in Sarajevo and full Professor of Faculty of Health Studies and Faculty of School of Economics and Business at the University of Sarajevo. As first author and co-author published 254 papers, of which 59 related to monographs, books and textbooks. He has received numerous awards : Doctor of the Decade, International League of Humanists 2000, Manager of the year 2002, NGO Futura Media , 6th April Award of the Sarajevo City for 2003 , Man of the year award for 2005 and Gold Pyramid for Medicine Visionary , Award for human devotion to the health of people, International Peace Center – Sarajevo, 2011, etc. He is honorary member of the World Academy of Sciences and Art in New York and Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia, member of the Association of Physicians of Bosnia and Herzegovina, member of the Association of Surgery of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other professional associations and organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.