
Dora Damjanovic



WAAS Designation:

Junior Fellow

Primary Position & Institution:

Global Affairs MSc, King’s College London, United Kingdom

Short Bio:

Dora Damjanović is a postgraduate student in Global Affairs MSc at King’s College London, where she chose to specialise in contemporary India, Brazil, and Africa. She got her bachelor’s degree in Diplomacy and International relations from the Dag Hammarskjold College of International Relations and Diplomacy in Zagreb, Croatia. By the end of the year 2016, she started her collaboration with the World Academy of Art and Science, and in 2018 she moved to India to work on the scientific research paper, that was later published by the academy’s journal “Cadmus”. After her stay in India, from where she wrote about her experiences and was published by several traveling sites, she decided to move to Vienna, Austria, and remained there for two years. In Vienna, she worked as an intern in the United Nations, more specifically within the UN’s organizations such as UNIDO, IAEA, CTBTO, UNODC, and OOSA. After finishing her internship, she applied for master's studies at King’s College London where she got accepted and moved once more. In 2020 Dora became a Young Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. Also, she is one of the founders of the NGO called “Youth Leadership Network“. Besides her professional life, Dora is practicing yoga for years and is planning to get her yoga teacher certificate in the future. Also, she writes poetry and short stories and is addressing writing as her biggest passion. She also has been doing photography and acting.