Education for Human Security – Cooperation in the Black Sea and Balkan Regions

BSUN 2022 Congress
BUA 2022 Congress

Bucharest, Romania
October 12 – 14, 2022

University of Bucharest, Black Sea Universities Network, Balkan Universities Association, the World Academy of Art & Science, and the World University Consortium cordially invite you to the International Congress on “Dialogue and Cooperation in the Black Sea and Balkan Regions”.

The conference includes a keynote address by Jeffrey Sachs, a special WAAS-WUC session on Education for Human Security on October 13th, and a session on Culture of Peace organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies of Levant Culture and Civilization (ISACCL), a WAAS Center of Excellence.

With a history of over 150 years and a constantly confirmed prestige, the University of Bucharest is today a dynamic and inclusive academic milieu, student-centered and characterized by creativity, innovation and pragmatism. Composed of 19 Faculties, over 34,000 students, 1,300 professors and 500 researchers, 1,300 employees with 97 bachelor’s programs, 215 master’s programs, 9 didactic master’s programs, 21 Doctoral Schools in specific fields and a School for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies, over 50 centers and 9 research stations, the University of Bucharest has been recognized as an institution of excellence in education and research that has made it a priority in preparing its students for life and profession.

The Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) represents the cooperation framework for Academic Institutions from the Black Sea Region. BSUN intends to facilitate the inter- university cooperation and the generation of synergies among education, scientific research, innovation and cultural cooperation. At present, the Network includes 120 universities from the 12 member countries of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, including Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine.

The Balkan University Association comprises currently 78 universities from the Balkan Region, from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. The Association aims to be a collaborative academic platform, fostering the cooperation among our universities and countries in the Balkans, to endorse Balkan Studies and to provide academic expertise concerning the region.

The World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) was founded in 1960 and serves as a value-based, human-centered, transnational, transdisciplinary forum for addressing the pressing challenges confronting humanity today related to peace and human security, human rights and governance, economy and finance, education and human development, society and culture, technology and ecology in collaboration with a network of centers and partners around the world.

WUC promotes development of new models of pedgogy and innovative delivery systems to promote accessible, affordable, quality higher education worldwide based on a human-centered approach that shifts the emphasis to transdiciplinary, contextualized knowledge suited to develop the full potentials of social personality and individuality for productive engagement, human security and psychological well-being.