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Message from the President
For WAAS the year 2021 began on a high note with the celebration of the Academy’s 60th anniversary. It combined a reflective retrospective on where we have come from and a prospective exploration of themes very likely to occupy a central place in our work over the next few years. It was an opportunity to gather together an unprecedented number of Fellows to exchange ideas during a time when physical meetings were prohibited. The WAAS@60 Report is intended to serve as a foundation for our future work.
The year ended on another high note with the 5th WAAS-WUC International Conference on Future Education which synthesized many of the ideas generated over the past seven years to present a clear vision of the momentous changes in education needed to address pressing global challenges. Plans are already underway to publish a book late next year on pathways to future education.
As a result of these events, we now have a number of working groups in various stages of development in which Fellows are invited to engage with one another to shape the future work of the Academy.
Special mention is warranted for the groups on
- Human Security
- Future of Finance
- Global Leadership
- Societal Transformation
- Science-Society-Sustainability
- Mind-Thinking-Creativity, and
- Integration of Art & Science
The work of these groups and new initiatives not yet proposed by our members will shape the contours and content for the Academy’s next general assembly. The projects on Capital as a Force for Good, the Tao of Finance, and the Security and Sustainability Report also exemplify the capacity of WAAS to support important initiatives inspired and led by individual Fellows.
At the same time 2021 was a period of unprecedented internal development for WAAS. It marked the launching of an entirely new website, the establishment of the Ethical Committee and Ethical Code, the reconstitution of the Nominations Committee and revamping of the membership nomination process, the introduction of a centralized financial management system, record dues collection, successful completion of the UN due diligence process required for UN funding, and other significant organizational improvements.
Most of all, it has been gratifying to see the unprecedented range and diversity of new Fellows elected and contributing to the Academy over the past two years as reported in the pages of this newsletter. In the process they are strengthening and balancing to a greater extent member representation by age group, gender, geography and profession.
I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to members of the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, other committees and working groups for their leadership roles and to all those Fellows who have contributed actively to the Academy’s conferences, working groups, projects and publications over the past year.
The horizons of the Academy’s work continue to expand in an unprecedented manner, including opportunities to collaborate with the UN on Human Security and with UNESCO on Basic Sciences and Sustainability.
The challenge we face is to convert the transformative leadership ideas which they represent into leadership in action with real impact in and on the world. That is the opportunity presented to all of us, which can only be achieved by our collaborative effort. I look forward to working with you to make it happen.
Garry Jacobs
WAAS President & CEO
Recent Developments
We are very pleased to announce the launch of the new website of the World Academy of Art & Science. The primary goal during the redesign process has been to more effectively represent the unique character and mission of the Academy, to update the design, improve the organization and accessibility of the program content, and make the site easily accessible on both mobile and desktop devices.
Zhanna Kryuchkova, WAAS Trustee and acting Treasurer, took leadership initiative on the project. This development has been possible through her financial support, the expertise of her team in Ukraine and the staff at the Mother’s Service Society, India.
The website can be accessed using the regular address
WAAS Code of Ethics
Every organization needs a Code of Ethics to tackle and resolve ethical complaints that arise from time to time. A Code that clearly spells out the mission and the values, the Do’s and the Don’ts in an organization can prevent and resolve conflict.
On the initiative of WAAS Chairman Alberto Zucconi, a Working Group was established in 2020, consisting of Elif Cepni (Chair), Fadwa El Guindi, Olivia Bina, Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, Winston Nagan, Alberto Zucconi and Jüri Engelbrecht (Consultant), to prepare a draft Code of Conduct. The draft was approved by the WAAS Board of Trustees on July 6, 2021 and is now operational.
An Ethical Committee has been constituted, consisting of Saulo Bahia, Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Fadwa El Guindi, Janani Ramanathan (Chair) and Alberto Zucconi. This Committee will promote awareness of the Academy’s Code of Ethics at various WAAS events and through articles in our journals and newsletters. Its ultimate aim is to foster the interiorization of the values of the Code of Ethics. The Code forms a pivotal aspect of an organization and reaffirms the organization’s identity. Along with the bylaws and Mission, it provides the solid foundation of an epistemic community that is aware and intentionally willing to promote the values and the mission for which it has been created.
All Fellows are requested to read the Code on the WAAS website, and provide their comments and suggestions to
Board of Trustees
Following some retirements and election of new Trustees in Spring 2021, the current members of the WAAS Board of Trustees include:
Click on the names of Trustees to read their biographical description.
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New Fellows – 2020
Professor of Philosophy, Pontifical University of Comillas
International Advisor on Global Governance, Development, Employment and Social Policy
Chief, New York UNCTAD Office of the Secretary General
Chief Consultant, World Environment, Education, Science, Culture Foundation; Ex-Com Member, Club of Rome
Honorary President, Inter-Parliamentary Union
Director, Lyon Anthropocene Curriculum in the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Founder, Global System Change; Sustainability and System Change Consultant, USA; Author, Global System Change series of books
Professor, School of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Director, Global Partnerships, ASU Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Former President of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Associate, Institute of Translational Pharmacology, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR, Rome
CEO and Founder of Conscious Capital Wealth Management; Founder and Chairman, Future Capital, USA
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba; IEEE Life
Senior Member
Professor, Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece
President of the Foreign Affairs & International Relations Advisory
Committee to the President of the
Republic of Croatia
Founder, Theatre of Transformation
Academy; Co-convenor, Enacting Global Transformation Initiative,
University of Oxford
CEO and co-Founder, Greater Pacific Capital
CEO, The Ukrainian Heritage Foundation
Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba, Japan; Visiting Professor,
University of Brasilia
Independent Researcher, Systems Approach to Public Innovation &
Responsible Research; Member, Club of Rome
Chair Professor, Southern
University of Science and
Technology, China; Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
International Consultant, Economic-Environmental Accounting
Chairman, Research (Scientific) Council, National Alliance for Local
Economic Development, Serbia; Former Minister of Finance, Serbia
President and Founder of ART for The World
Head, Unit for Ethics in Thought, Language and Action, Interdisciplinary
Center for Health, Law
and Ethics, Haifa University, Israel
UNESCO Chair on Global
Understanding for Sustainability, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany
Associate Fellows – 2020
Advisor to the Minister for
Research and Development, Egypt;
Professor, Alexandria University
President and Founder of the African-American Future Society, USA
Dean, Faculty of Public
Administration and Political Sciences, South East European University, Tetovo
Founder, Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics; President at SMB Global Strategy
Founder & CEO, GlobalMindED; Founder, LifeBound
Professor and chairperson,
Department of English Language & Literature, Alexandria University
Associate Professor and Secretary General, University of Tourism and
Management, Skopje
Founder, Jansen Capital
Management and Huxley media; Acting Treasurer, World Academy of Art and Science
Research Fellow, Tax
Administration Research Center, University of Exeter, UK
Project Official, European
Commission; Associate Teacher, University of Deusto, Spain
Founder and Director of Global Education Futures initiative; Co-Director, Campus Co-Evolve
Board Member, Secretary and Treasurer, World Sustainable Development Forum; co-Founder & Senior Mentor, POP Movement
Professor and Head of Dept of Finance, School of Economics, University of Montenegro (Reelected)
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Brasilia, Brazil (Reelected)
President of Indrapur Cinematografica;
Consultant, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Composer & CEO of Nada Brahma Ltd.; Research Fellow, FormWelt Institute, Germany
President, Rowan-Cabarrus
Community College, USA
Chairman of the Board, Furaxa, Inc.
Project manager, Health Innovation & System, WHO (Reelected)
Managing Director, PROSPEKTIKER;
International Project Manager, LKS Mondragon; Board Member, Millennium Project
Junior Fellows 2020
Research Assistant, Harvard-
Kennedy School
Events and Ceremonies Manager; Zone Operations Deputy Manager, Expo 2020 Dubai
Creative Director and co-Founder, Youth Leadership Network; Postgraduate
student of Global Affairs,
King’s College, London
President, Italian Federation for Human Rights Committee; Partner,
Youth Leadership Network
Vice-President, Youth Leadership Network
Deputy Secretary General, Nizami Ganjavi International Center
Founder & Co-President of Youth Leadership Network; Consultant,
World Food Programme
Founder, Tyathumzi, South Africa; Executive Director, ReimagineSA NPC
Research Associate, Institute of Political Studies, Belgrade
Financial Lines Underwriter, Chubb
Founder, Earth Uprising
Co-founder, Youth Leadership
Network (Reelected)
Cadmus is a biannual print and electronic journal focusing on economy, security and global governance. It is a journal for fresh thinking and new perspectives that integrates knowledge from all fields of science, art and humanities to address real-life issues, inform policy and decision-making, and enhance our collective response to the challenges and opportunities facing the world today.
Eruditio is a biannual electronic journal for examination of ideas and perspectives focused on the social consequences and policy implications of all forms of knowledge on a global basis. The vision of the e-journal complements and enhances the Academy’s focus on global perspectives in the generation of knowledge from all fields of legitimate inquiry.
Click here to subscribe to free electronic versions of Cadmus & Eruditio
New Fellows – 2021
President, Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)
Former Director-General, UNESCO
General Partner, Conservest Management Company; Author
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics; University of Haifa, Israel
Professor of Economics and Decision making, University of Karabuk Business School, Turkey
Academic Dean, EU Business School Online Campus
Senior Policy Advisor, Nature, Climate & Energy cluster, UNDP
Former President of Mauritius; Biodiversity Scientist; University Administrator; Entrepreneur and Author
Senior Fellow, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Dean, Bahçeşehir University School of Medicine, Turkey; Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Managing Partner / Member of the Board of Directors, Jansen Capital
Management, Ukraine
Member, Executive Committee, Club of Rome
Strategic Advisor, InterAction Council
Sao Paolo Director of Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC)
Artist; Printmaker
President and Chief Executive Officer, World Sustainability Forum
Art Historian & Theorist; Professor of Art History
Associate Fellows – 2021
President of the Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP) and Leader of the Parliamentary opposition (Reelected)
Lecturer, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest; Expert at ISACCL
Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the United Nations University for Peace to the UN (Reelected)
Founder, Inter-Parliamentary
Coalition for Global Ethics;
President at SMB Global Strategy Consultants
Associate Professor, ECE Paris, School of Engineering; Co-founder
& General Director of BigInnov
Coordinator of the Croatian Forum, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Faculty of Management Science, Open University of the Netherlands,
Professor, Warsaw School of Economics (Reelected)
Chief Executive Manager, MRAK Services Ltd.
Associate Editor, Cadmus;
Research Fellow, The Mother’s Service Society, India (Reelected)
Junior Fellows 2021
Founder, SpaceEra (Habitable climate-responsive shelter for all)
Second Secretary, Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Serbia (Reelected)
Director General, Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization
President, AVPA, Italy
Visual Artist
Behavioral Health Therapist, Published Researcher
WAAS Publications
In Commemoration
Co-President, Religions for Peace; Vice Chairman, Pugwash Netherlands; Chair Section International Affairs, Netherlands Council of Churches
Canadian-American Psychologist; Professor in Psychology, Stanford University
Founder and Director, Logos Christian Center & the Institute of Spiritual Music; Adjunct Professor, Samford University
Global Leadership Challenges in Higher Education for
Effective Multilateralism & Sustainable Human Security
December 6 to 8, 2021
It’s time to think globally about the future of education.
Building on insights from the UN-WAAS project on Global Leadership for the 21st Century, this conference will address the challenges and opportunities in higher education today to identify catalytic strategies to support strengthening of multilateralism, implementation of 17 SDGs, and Sustainable Human Security for All.
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