Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General, World Health Organization

Grethel Aguilar
IUCN Acting Director General

Esther Ajayi
Founder & President Esther Ajayi Foundation

Olga Algayerova
Exec. Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Europe

Carlos Álvarez Pereira
ExCom member of the Club of Rome; WAAS Fellow

Vanessa Anahí Hernández Vázquez
Youth Mentor, POP Movement

Gaby Arenas
Executive Director, Taap Foundation & Director, Art & Wellbeing

Jessica Artiles
Founder and Chief Design Officer at DARTE Design

Nadia Balgobin
Senior Associate, Globethics.net

Luc Bas
Director IUCN European Regional Office

Shoshana Bekerman
Director IPCGE

Summer Benjamin
Co-founder, Eco Eaters; POP Movement

Summer Benjamin

Azita Berar-Awad
Director, Employment Policy Department, ILO (2006-2017)

Olivia Bina
Principal Researcher, University of Lisbon; WAAS Fellow

Lotta Björklund Larsen
Independent Researcher; Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Univ. Of Exeter Busi. School

Jonathan Blackwood
MD and global entrepreneur with work in China and other countries

Nadine Bloch
Training Director, Beautiful Trouble

Zbigniew Bochniarz
Professor, Kozminski University, Poland; WAAS Trustee

Jennifer Bonine
Co-founder & CEO, PinkLion.AI; Leader, GlobalMindED

Laszlo Borbely
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; State Counselor, Dept. of Sustainable Dev., Romania

Mariana Bozesan
Co-founder and President, AQAL Capital, Germany; WAAS Fellow

Oana Brânda
Titu Maiorescu University, Expert at ISACCL

Olivier Brechard
Director Learning Planet & CRI Leadership Team, France

Kevin Brown
Founder & CTO, Great Ball of Light, USA

Stefan Brunnhuber
Medical Director, Diakonie Hospital, Germany; WAAS Trustee

Tatjana Buzeti
Senior Policy Officer, WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development

Carol Carter
President & CEO, GlobalMindED

Sheba Chhachhi
Artist, India

David Chikvaidze
Chef de Cabinet of the Director-General of UNOG at Geneva

Jon-Hans Coetzer
Coordinator, Online Learning & Education Pillar, UNITAR

Emil Constantinescu
President of Romania (1996 – 2000), President of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization; WAAS Trustee

John Crowley
Chief of Section for Research, Policy and Foresight, UNESCO

Gabriela Cuevas Barron
President of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Jodi Cullity
Libreum Research Institute (NY)

Robert D. Cavey
Partner, Praxis Inc., Washington DC, USA

Antonio de Araujo Freitas
Provost, FGV for Research and Graduate Studies

Frank Dixon
Founder, Global System Change; WAAS Associate Fellow

Sandrine Dixson-Declève
Co-President, Club of Rome

Dragan Djuricin
Professor of Economics, University of Belgrade, WAAS Fellow

Dina Dragija
UCL – (London)

Yannick du Pont
CEO, SPARK (Netherlands)

Neven Duić
President, SWEDES, Croatia; WAAS Fellow

Ian Dunlop
Independent advisor on climate change & energy governance; Member, Club of Rome

Amanda Ellis
Ambassador; Dir., Global Partnerships ASU, Global Futures Laboratory; Prof. of Practice, Thunderbird School of Global Mgmt.

Maria Espinosa
Member, World Future Council; President, 73rd UN General Assembly, Ecuador

Azadeh Farajpour
Scientific associate, FAW/n (Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing), Germany

Robin Fears
Biosciences Programme Director, EASAC

Alexey Fedoseev
CEO, Kruzhok movement, Russia

Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga
Vice-President, Geneva Press Club

Rodolfo Fiorini
Emeritus Prof., Politecnico di Milano Univ.; WAAS Trustee

Lawrence Ford
Founder and CEO, Conscious Capital Wealth Management, USA; WAAS Fellow

Téa Garcia-Huidobro
IUCN Special Advisor to the Acting Director General

Faris Gavrankapetanović
Professor, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina; WAAS Fellow

Mihai Gîrţu
Vice-rector, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Camila González Colistrp
Youth Leader, Fridays For Future Movement

Jonathan Granoff
President, Global Security Institute; WAAS Fellow

Lily Gray
UNESCO Liaison officer

Dan Grigorescu
Scientific Director, ISACCL, Romania

Neha Grover
South Asia Regional Head, Private Equity, IFC

Antonio Gutierrez Limones
Chairman, Spanish Senate Committee of Foreign Affairs

Tageldin Hamad
Sec. Gen., WANGO & Vice President of UPF International

Ana Hanhausen-Doménech
Plastic Oceans, Mexico

Valerie Hannon
Co-founder, Global Education Leaders Partnership

Christian Hansmeyer
Lead Research and Risk, Greater Pacific Capital

David Harries
Principal Investigator, S&S Guide; WAAS Fellow

Elena Helerea
University Transylvania Brasov

Hazel Henderson
Founder of Ethical Markets Media, USA; WAAS Fellow

Sue Henderson
President, New Jersey City University, USA

Sheryl Hendriks
Head of Department & Professor, University of Pretoria

Bernard Hoekman
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Dean, External Relations European University Institute

Robert Hoffman
President, whatIf? Technologies Inc; WAAS Fellow

Rebecca Hueting
Activist, Extinction Rebellion, dissemination specialist, Deep Blue

Obiora Ike
Executive Director, Globethics.net, WAAS Fellow

Garry Jacobs
President & CEO, WAAS

Amanda Janoo
Knowledge & Policy Lead, Wellbeing Economy Alliance

Marion Jansen
Chief Economist & Director, Div. of Market Development, ITC

Peter Joseph
American Musician; Filmmaker; Author & Social Activist

Christine Kaddous
Director, MEIG, University of Geneva

Yehuda Kahane
Chairman & Cofounder, YKCenter; WAAS Trustee

Prakash Kannan
Chief Economist, GIC

Zhibek Karamanova
Young lawyers and businessmen association (Kazakhstan)

Şiir Kılkış
Advisor to the President of TÜBİTAK

Donato Kiniger-Passigli
Vice President, WAAS; Adviser to UNITAR

Witold Kinsner
Vice President, Educational Activities, Life Member, IEEE

Khalid Koser
Exe. Dir., Global Community Engagement & Resilience Fund

Phoebe Koundouri
Prof. of Economics, Athens Univ. of Economics & Business; Pres., European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Radha Kulkarni
Resource Mobilization Manager, Generation Unlimited, USA

Asim Kurjak
Prof., Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

Flore Lafaye de Micheaux
IPBES Senior Programme Officer

Grazyna Łebkowska
Professor, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; WAAS Associate Fellow

Margaret Ledwith
Emeritus Professor, University of Cumbria

Lennart Levi
Emeritus Professor, Karolinska Inst., Sweden; WAAS Fellow

Adam Levinson
Co-Founder of Gama

Hong-Mei Li
International Association for Human Values, Art of Living Foundation; UNMGCY; University of Pennsylvania

Alexander Likhotal
Prof., Geneva School of Diplomacy & Int. Rel.; WAAS Fellow

Chantal Line Carpentier
Chief, UN Conference on Trade & Development, New York

Audrey Lobo-Pulo
Founding Director, Phoensight; Founding Board Member, Open Data Australia

Marisa Lopez
Ocean Advocate, POP Movement

Patricia Lopez
Senior Platform Applications Engineer, INTEL

Ekaterina Loshkareva
Russian Federation Official Delegate to WorldSkills and WorldSkills Europe

Hunter Lovins
Co-Founder, Rocky Mountain Institute; CoR Member

Carlo Luciani
Youth Leadership Network

Pavel Luksha
Founder & Director, Global Education Futures initiative

Pavel Luksha
Founder and Director, Global Education Futures initiative

M. Chandrasekaran
Senior Project Manager, The Mother’s Service Society, India

Philo Magdalene
Youth Mentor, POP Movement

Cathy Malchiodi
Dir., Trauma Informed Practices & Expressive Arts Therapy Inst. (USA)

Eden Mamut
President, Black Sea Universities Network

Rama Mani
Convenor, Enacting Global Transformation, University of Oxford and Councilor, World Future Council

Karin Markides
President, American University in Armenia

Natasa Markovska
Senior Researcher, Research Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, MANU

Toi Massey
Founder & Executive Director, JEKL Foundation, Inc, USA

Federico Mayor
Director General UNESCO (1987-1999); WAAS Fellow

Peter McGrath
Coordinator, Inter Academy Partnership

Peta Milan
Director, Transcendent Media Capital; WAAS Associate Fellow

Perikles Mitkas
President, Black Sea Universities Network

Komal Mittal
Youth Mentor, POP Movement

Dele Momodu
Publisher, Ovation International Magazine

Atiya Mosam
IAP Young Physician Leader

Zineb Mouhyi
co-founder, Weaving Lab, and Policy Partnerships Development Officer at World Innovation Summit for Education

Matt Mullican
Artist, Berlin, Germany

Winston Nagan
Professor Emeritus, University of Florida Levin College of Law, WAAS Fellow

Nebojša Nešković
Theoretical Physicist; Secretary General, WAAS

Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien
Full Member, Club of Rome; Founder, Rising Tide Africa, Nigeria

Jacqueline Olang Kado
Executive Director, Network of African Science Academies

Sergey Ordzhonikidze
Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva (2002-2011)

Ash Pachauri
POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, New York, USA

Ketan Patel
CEO & Founder, Greater Pacific Capital

Ketan Patel
CEO and the founder of Greater Pacific Capital

Drishya Pathak
Youth Mentor, POP Movement

Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla
President, Climate Change Council, Mexico

Pascal Petit
Director of research Emeritus, CEPN Centre d’économie de Paris Nord, WAAS Fellow

Lisa Petrides
Founder & CEO, ISKME

Gitta Peyn
Co-founder, FormWelt

Magalena Platis
Vice Rector University of Bucharest

Mila Popovich
Chair, WAAS Nominations & Evaluations Committee; WAAS Fellow

Gareth Presch
Founder & CEO, World Health Innovation Summit

Remus Pricopie
Rector, SNSPA; Chair, ISACCL Advisory Committee; WAAS Fellow

Janani Ramanathan
Sr. Research Analyst, Mother’s Service Society, India; WAAS Fellow

Mamphela Ramphele
Co-President Club of Rome; WAAS Fellow

Mike Rann
Premier, South Australia (2002-2011)

Thomas Reuter
Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia; WAAS Trustee

Cyril Ritchie
First Vice-President, CoNGO

Douglas Roche
Former Canadian Senator, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Middle Powers Initiative

Norman Roesch
Former MD, Goldman Sachs and Ambassador, Credit Suisse

Tiahoga Ruge
Film Maker; WAAS Fellow

Jeffrey Sachs
Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia Univ.

Mustapha Sadni-Jallab
Head of Training and Research Division, UNECA

Bogdan Salii
Youth Leadership Network

Caroline Sandberg

Lauren Sandberg

Jason Scorse
Associate Professor; Program Chair, International Environmental Policy; Director, Center for the Blue Economy

Sandeep Sengupta
Global Coordinator IUCN Climate Change Portfolio

Ismail Serageldin
Vice-President, World Bank (1992-2000); Co-Chair NGIC; WAAS Fellow

Julene Siddique
Socio-Systemic Impact Specialist, Laszlo Institute; Composer & CEO, Nada Brahma Ltd

Faye Simanjuntak
Ruma Faye (Indonesia)

Robert Singer
Chair & Board of Trustees of World ORT

Ivo Slaus
Honorary President, Wold Academy of Art & Science

Michael Smith
Chair Furaxa, Inc., Sr. Advisor, IEEE Brain Initiative; WAAS Associate Fellow

Carol Spalding
President, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, USA

Jessica Spencer-Keyse
Facilitator, Weaving Lab

Luiza Spiru
President, Ana Aslan International Foundation

S.S. Sreejith
Founder & CEO, GIIMS, India; Director, World University Consortium

Dorota Stanczyk
Transformational Artist; Founder, S.T.A.R.T. Transformational Art org., Colombia

Teresa Stoepler
Executive Director, IAP Policy; Member, Global Young Academy

Samantha Suppiah
Sustainability strategist, Urban Doughnut, Philippines

Raileanu Szeles Monica
Director, Institute of Research-dev., University Transylvania Brasov

Vishal Talreja
Co-founder Dream a Dream

Anjalee Tarapore
General Manager, HDFC

Dorothy Tembo
Acting Executive Director, International Trade Center

Volker ter Meulen
President, Inter Academy Partnership

Mariana Todorova
Assistant Professor, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; WAAS Fellow

Tibor Tóth
Ambassador, Exec. Secretary Emeritus, CTBTO; WAAS Trustee

Ljiljana Trajkovic
Professor, Simon Fraser University; PP IEEE SMC, IEEE Fellow

Tatiana Valovaya
Director General, United Nations Office at Geneva

Henk van Arkel
CEO, Social Trade Organization (STRO)

Marcel van de Voorde
Professor, University of technology Delft; WAAS Trustee (just elected)

Sesh Velamoor
Director of Programs, Foundation for the Future; WAAS Fellow

Vaira Vike-Freiberga
President of Latvia (1999-2007), Co-Chair NGIC; WAAS Fellow

Marco Vitiello
Youth Leadership Network – WAAS (Rome)

Adelina von Fürstenberg
President & Founder, ART for The World

Ernst von Weizsäcker
Honorary President of Club of Rome

Dusan Vujović
World Bank Expert; Minister of Finance, Serbia (2014-18); Professor of Economics, FEFA, Belgrade

Isabelle Wachsmuth
Project manager, WHO; WAAS Associate Fellow

Veta Wade
Ocean Advocate & Founder of Fish ‘N Fins Inc.

Alyn Ware
World Future Council Member, WAAS Fellow, Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)

Lilac Wasserman
Co-founder, Mifras & Global Collaborations

Ding Wei
CEO, CICC Capital

Benno Werlen
UNESCO Chair, Global Understanding for Sustainability, WAAS Fellow

Jerry White
Professor, University of Virginia

Randall Wray
Professor of Economics, Bard College

Lourdes Xitumul Piox
Former Secretary of Peace Guatemala (Translated by Shay Salomon)

Osamu Yamamoto
Partner, Unison Capital

Stephen Yong-Seung Park
Prof., Kyung Hee University, Associate Fellow of WAAS

Denys Zacharopoulos
Art Historian and Art Critic, Greece

Alberto Zucconi
President, IACP, Italy; Chair of the Board of Trustees, WAAS; Secretary General, WUC