Ivana Lazarovski

Ivana Lazarovski


Republic of Serbia

WAAS Designation:

Associate Fellow

Primary Position & Institution:

Diplomat, Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Serbia

Short Bio:

For more than seven years Ivana has been working in the field of European and International Policy, Peace building, Security and Environmental Security. In the early beginning of her professional development she worked as an assistant for the organization of the Regional Workshop of the Partnership for Peace Consortium Study Group for the Western Balkan Region, mostly concerning the rising of violent extremism in the Western Balkans. She was a research assistant in International Legal Partnership GRC (Global Rights Compliance), where she worked on a project of state capacity building in order to introduce international reforms in the legal system of Ukraine and on a multidisciplinary project of building peace and stability in multiethnic and historically burdened areas. Ivana has Masters in International Security Studies with specialization in Environmental Security. She an Alumnus the University of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Sciences Po in Paris and La Sapienza University of Rome. Since 2018 she is a junior fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences and an alumnus of the first Club of Rome Summer Academy. After her internship at the Franco-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Ivana worked as a chief office manager in a private real estate investment company. Currently she is diplomat at the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia