Goran Bandov

Goran Bandov


Republic of Croatia

WAAS Designation:


Primary Position & Institution:

Foreign Affairs Committee of Croatian Parliament Advisory Member (4th mandate); Croatian Association of the Club of Rome President; Co-founder and co-lead of the Croatian Young Academy Initiative

Short Bio:

Lawyer and Political Scientist, Full Professor of International Relations and Diplomacy, World Academy of Art and Science Fellow, Global Young Academy Fellow, Croatian Club of Rome President, Rotary Peace Fellow, Inter-Academy Partnership Science Advice board member, International Relations and Sustainable Development University Centre Head at the University of Zagreb, former Vice Dean at Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy in Zagreb (2009-2019) and former Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies of the University of Hamburg (2009-2014) is an European expert in Diplomacy, International Relations and International Law, Peace Studies and Sustainable Development.